Brittany Meza

Brittany Meza


Packed up from California and moved on my own to Hawaii then Texas…. oh , fitness… 207 Squat clean that qualified CFLBK to regionals (2018), Qualified and competed at Wodapalooza (2019), Overall Strongest woman at First ever Strongman Competition (2019), Deadlift 355 (2019), Grace 1:26 (2019),  First Sprint Triathlon 2nd Place (August 2019)


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

Bachelors of Science - Kinesiology (Texas Tech University)

Texas Teacher Certified (EC-12) in areas of - Special Education, Health and Physical Education

About Coach

I wasn’t your average stud athlete in my younger days, just did sports because teams were fun. I enjoyed traveling and making my parents happy from the stands at every game. To touch on my athletic career before graduating high school, I played school and club volleyball for a total of 8 years, threw in discus and shotput. I began Crossfit my senior year of high school and from the beginning, had so much passion for this sport both as an athlete and to be a coach one day. I've traveled to many states, leaving California directly after high school to venturing to Hawaii for a year of school, then randomly to Lubbock, Texas. I was encouraged into many competitions from the year 2015 and pushed myself like no other until the year 2019. I’ve grown so much as a functional fitness athlete, with the ability to compete at weekend-long CrossFit events, train and compete as a strongman athlete, join my uncle in a sprint triathlon, and even give spartan racing a try. Some of my biggest achievements are multiple invitations to compete with some of the best, at Wodapalooza, Northern California Classic, and the Arnold Strongman Classic. Traveling and completing these last couple of years have inspired me to grow into the best athlete and coach I can be. I’ve been given the opportunity to be a part of 5 different CrossFit communities and truly take a piece with me every day in my athletic and coaching career. I want to spread my knowledge of all my training and general expertise of movement and the human body with as many people as I can throughout my life.

Turning Point

The enemy in my life was 2020, though it was for a lot of others. I had just finished a whole year of competing almost monthly in CrossFit, strongman, triathlon, and even a spartan race. I tore my body up and expected only greatness, without much change to technical movements and an injury that happened when training for my strongman in April of 2019. The enemy that grew within the months of February - April was constant and workout pausing back pain. I knew the pain that was happening during a weighted deadlift, squat or even bodyweight movement was not normal and was told by my local athletic trainer to take a fitness break. “Cycling and Elliptical only”... That was the true enemy statement. In 2020 I learned and had a breaking point of putting my body and career first, fitness can wait and will always be there. I then took a much needed 6 months off from competitive CrossFit and worked on daily back rehab, new and conscious hinging when deadlift or performing any pick up from the ground, and core bracing throughout my day. This enemy of back pain (which was later diagnosed as a bulged disk) grew me into the new athlete, teacher, and coach that I am currently. I'm still learning so much about my body, but I know there is an enemy, that enemy for me is pain. I wouldn't wish for anyone to have to take the time off, the break, and the heartbreak of putting something they loved to do to the side. I've LEARNED, and now take warming up, conscious breathing, and core work very seriously. The enemy was what I needed, my mind, body, and the whole soul needed a break and a turn in focus. I'm happy to say I'm pain-free and constantly working on growing and being better, to not get back to where I was…. But to be the strongest I have ever been.

Motivation & Passion

The purpose that I take with me every day when walking into a coach is to change someone's life for the better. I am passionate to serve the community and grow a strong, fit, and goal-setting group of individuals. I've gained a new mindset of coaching through my enemy, which I stated earlier. The goal is not to always increase the weight or to go as fast as possible, but it is to be able to sustain that energy, to prolong that movement in life. My purpose is to be that guidance and knowledge to help the community WANT to live a healthier life, reach goals set by them and not only “doctor prescribed”. I strive to let each individual know their purpose in my life for the hour they are with me, the goal-achieving and will -powered mindset. I am changed daily by the pure want someone has to be in the gym, the happiness it brings to squat below parallel, the sweat that falls on the floor, and the euphoria after the time stops. My motivation is the members, the personal success that happens during the hour that inspires the rest of the 23 in the day.

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